Holy Crap
It has been so freakin long since I've posted a blog. So much has happened in that time that I don't really know where to start. Well, I'm almost half way through my senior year of high school, and that's pretty sweet. I go back on Monday after a 2 week break for Christmas. I recently put in my two weeks notice at Carbone's because I don't really have much time to work anymore and John didn't want me to cut my schedule down to 1 day a week, so I've been done there for about 3 weeks. I guess my most important news is that I have a new band that I'm pretty stoked about. We're called Red Letter Statement and we formed back in mid November. We played our first show, a battle of the bands at our church, http://www.tfhny.org/, and that went really well. We've been practicing alot since then and we played our second show tonight at The Montage Music Hall downtown. We're playing again on the 26th and then we're going into the studio with Jesse Sprinkle (Poor Old Lu, Dead Poetic, Demon Hunter, The World Inside) at his studio, Bluebrick recordings. Jesse has been especially gracious letting us borrow his amps for our past two shows as well. We are hoping to have T-shirts ready to sell by the 26th. I'm really stoked about this band. Last Sunday I went to see Seven Head Division play because Joel and Andy were in town for Christmas so they did a reunion show. It was so gnarly. I'm so glad I got to go. They are such a good band. I saw my friend Alex Cote there. I went to preschool with him and he was the drummer for the band Fivestar Riot. On December 14th I saw Thrice play at RIT and it was amazing. I almost got trampled because 4 kids were being jerks and about 10 of us ended up on the ground. During Brand New's set, someone got seriously injured. It sucked. The concert was still amazing anyway though. A couple days later, that Sunday, after band practice on my way to Alex's house, my right front tire on my van blew a flat while I was going around 65 on 390N. That was an interesting experience. We had to get the van towed since I didn't feel like changing the tire in the snow. By the way, I dislike snow very much. Just thought I would throw that out there. Anyway, I guess that's an update on my life. I hope I didn't bore you too much, and I'll try to blog more often. I have the feeling that If my band goes on tour I'll blog alot more. Also, If Megan grows a beard, gas prices will go down.
Mitch VanDenBerghe