31 December 2006

Rise and shine and give God the glory, glory.

Good Morning,

It's Sunday! Do you know what that means? It means Andrea is picking me up in about an hour to worship for 4 services at Church! Get stoked! I'm so excited for today because on Wednesday Sean gave me a new Bible, the Message translation, and it is so much easier to read than my old NKJV. I have already read 35 chapters in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, which is the most I've ever read. I've realized that as I am immersing myself in God's word, I am much more aware of temptation, and I have not struggled with the things I was struggling with before since Wednesday. Sean is truly my best friend and a good brother in Christ. For those of you who aren't Christian, this blog may sound really strange to you, but I assure you, having a relationship with God, and being able to fellowship with other Christians is the greatest thing in the entire world. Whether you are a Christian or not, I encourage you to search for a Bible that you can easily understand. The Message translation really works for me, but something else might work for you. When I read the message, what I read really makes sense. I'm going to read and then finish getting ready.


30 December 2006

Yamaha MG 16/4


It has been a relaxing, and fairly uneventful Christmas Break so far. Friday Katie took me to Guitar Center to by strings for the guitar I am borrowing from my next door neighbor. Saturday I don't remember what I did until like 3:30PM, when I went to church to load in and set up my drums for 6 services; 3 on Saturday, 3 on Sunday. When everybody else showed up, we practiced a few songs. Only a few people showed up to 1st service so we played an acoustic set. 2nd service there was alot of people so we played like normal, and then 3rd service no one showed up so we decorated the C4 room for Christmas Eve. After church on Saturday, Dave, Sean, Megan, Bethany and I all went over to the Scribani's household. Malorie (sp), Lisa, Al and Cindy were already there so we joined them. It was pretty fun. Sean and I slept over and Dave's Grandma came to pick us up for Church in the morning. Bekah Nowak was our leader!!!!! We missed Andrea, but it had been so long since Bekah led for the youth service. The 4th-6th services were fairly uneventful. After church, I went out Christmas shopping with my dad, my uncle and my sister. It was interesting. The mall sucks on Christmas Eve. On Monday, Christmas day, I woke up late. 9:30Am. When I got up, Katie was already up, so I made some coffee, and she woke up my parents. We opened our gifts. I got a new drum throne, some drum sticks, a DVD, and an IOU for $350. Tuesday... I don't remember what I did Tuesday. Wednesday I went to Breakfast at Pete and Bridget's house with Sean and Dave. Sean gave me a new Bible, which is sweet. Yesterday, Thursday, I pretty much cleaned all day with Katie and My mom, and then we had our next door neighbors, the Stoltes over for dinner. My mom made sauce like my Great Grandma used to with meatballs and sausage and shortribs, so good. I had fun hanging out with my neighbors. Today I woke up and had some Coffee with my dad and Katie. We watched a movie on T.V. and then we went to the bank. My dad gave me the $350 from Christmas and then we went to Wegmans. When we got home, we ate lunch, and then I went outside to play football with the neighbors. Murphy rolled in his own crap so we hosed him down. After that, I went inside and played guitar for a bit. Then Katie and her friend Sarah came over. They watched part of a movie on TCM and then left. After that, Katie took me to guitar center. I bought a new mixer, the Yamaha MG 16/4, along with a Shure SM58 Microphone. I now need to buy a power amp for the mixer. For those of you who don't know what a mixer is, it is what you plug microphones into and use to power speakers. After Guitar Center, Katie and I went to Zebb's for dinner. Katie asked our server if she would tell our dad that his kids were there, and the server said "you mean you guys are Kyle's actual real litterally kids?" Aparantly my dad must have fake kids. I got chicken tenders with french fries and they were good. After Zebb's Katie and I went to Java's and I got something really good that Katie recomended. After that we went home and I opened up my new mixer and microphone. The mixer is sweet but its a little quiet without a power amp. I couldn't try out my microphone because Josh Sime accidentally packed up my XLR cable's with his stuff after Holiday Havoc week. Hopefully I'll get those back soon. Well, I'm off to bed, tomorrow I have an appointment at the Apple Store to get my iPod fixed.

Good Night


26 December 2006

Long Overdue for a blog.

Well, it has been over a month since I last posted a blog. Alot has happened. One of the most important things I can think of to write about is that my favorite band is breaking up. On December 4th Steve Gee of Last Tuesday told the world about his "Tough Decision." The band Last Tuesday was founded in 1999 with the basic understanding that we never know when the Lord will take us, therefore, we should live everyday of our lives as if it is our last. They have gone through many line-up changes as a band, and their current and final line-up is Steve Gee, Carl Emmons, Chris Murk, and Ben Hannigan. Steve is the only remaining founding member of the idiot circus known as Last Tuesday. Steve Gee attended Messiah College and was an English teacher, until 2002, when he decided to quit teaching to tour full time, as he had felt that was what the Lord wanted him to do. In June of 2006, Steve married an awesome girl named Kristen who for the past 6 months has been their merch girl. Steve now feels like the Lord is calling him to do something different. The band played their final hometown show with Steve on December 9th at The Championship in LeMoyne Pennsylvania. Carl, Chris, and Ben will be performing a final tour in February and March with someone who hasn't yet been announced. Out of the eight years Last Tuesday has been in existance, I have known them for four years, and in that time I have develope great friendships with all of the members, even though I have seen them less than 20 times. My family has housed the band twice and we have gone out to dinner together 4 or 5 times. It saddens me to think that the band is done, however, I know that whatever God has planned for Steve is going to be awesome, and I hope that Ben, Carl and Chris continue playing together.
